Wanna know the biggest secret about affiliate marketing?
You may have guessed by the title. We all start at Zero. Even my mentor Dean Holland started at Zero. In fact,
he spent three years at zero. Truth is I did too. I truly hate to admit it, but truth is truth.
So let’s talk about my hero Zero.
My Hero Zero
Sometimes you have to give yourself a break.
Think about your current job. Did you know it all at the very beginning? So give your self the opportunity to make some mistakes.
If you got it right all the time, what’s the fun in that. So instead of moaning about where you are, wish you were better. The better you get the less mistakes that you make. Sometimes those mistakes lead to some absolutely solid breakthru’s
Blog Oblivion
You know I thought that I would be way ahead at getting people to come to my blog, so I just figured when building this new blog that I would snap my fingers and people would come.
I now find that a bit comical. What was i thinking?
In fact, one of the best things Dean shared with us on our Beginner’s Advantage Training was to check out each other’s blogs and share comments with each other. I am truly amazed at the creativity and outstanding artwork that I have seen on others blog posts. But the Big secret here is that you are developping new skills as you see what is great on other people’s blogs. And who wants to go to a blog that no one else is reading.
Always nice to see that others are commenting on the blog you are reading.
The other big secret is directing traffic to your blog.
Traffic Director
There are a few ways to direct traffic to your blog.
1st way is to practice SEO. Search Engine Optimization. Filling you blog full of all sorts of key words and phrases. You even note that having the right hashtags and keyword phrases will lead others to come to your blog.
Another way to bring people to your blog is to pick a platform to grow your audience. Platforms include but are not limited to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, and of course TikTok. Start and become good at one. Once you have mastered that is to pick up a second one, and perhaps a third in time. Please do not forget forums. ( Yes they still exist) Think Quora and Warriors Forum plus dozens of others.
Did you also know that you can buy traffic by putting ads on Facebook, TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, and even Pinterest. You could also rent someone else’s list. Sometime’s renting anothers list is the best way to test your own assets like your blog or funnel.
Asset in the Audience
How can you ever expect money if you have no audience. So I want you to think about how you want to build you audience. In the coming weeks I will show you which places I use to build my audience. You may be surprised which they are. If you think about Dean’s picture of an iceberg, you begin to understand its not all about what you see, but what’s underneath the surface.
Tune into the secrets I have learned and find some amazing secrets in the next few weeks …
Scott, the biggest secret about affiliate marketing? We all start from zero. Even the mentors like Dean began from scratch. It’s about giving yourself a break and learning along the way. Directing traffic to your blog is key, whether through SEO, social media platforms, or even ads. Building an audience is crucial, and I’m excited to learn more about your strategies in the coming weeks. Thanks for sharing your insights. Atif
Hi, Scott!
It is hard to be at the beginning, isn’t it? But we all have one, and most of us consider we still are. I know I’ve been working on my business for over a year, but I am still at the beginning stages. But there’s no shame in that. I’ve learned so much in the past year, and I feel like all the pieces are beginning to fall into place and will soon be ticking away like the inner workings of a new clock.
It sounds like you’ve chosen and are working on your traffic source. I look forward to hearing more about your journey!
Here’s to new beginnings!
Hey Scott, I really like your Newsletter’s logo. It makes me think of Indiana Jones looking for its way inside of one of those strange cave, trying to avoid the pitfalls at each new step. Getting traffic an building an audience is of course a challenging task. It has to be approached with patience.
Thank you for posting!
It looks like you’ve started really well. Traffic will come but it does take time, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have chosen and I can support and follow your journey. Good luck
Hi Scott,
Yes, we all had to start somewhere. Dean Holland is an inspiration to us all and to hear about his beginnings in this industry is mind-blowing. I didn’t know one could get into so much debt and keep it a secret from one’s loved ones.
The blog sharing is a wonderful idea. The support that we receive from each other is fantastic.
The SEO advice you give is excellent. It’s something I hadn’t considered before.
Good luck in your adventure and I look forward to following your success.
It’s noisy out there. We have to keep moving and when stuck, still keep moving. The answer will be revealed!
Sometimes it can feel like you started at Zero, but have now gone backwards!!! As you say, everything, including the negatives, adds to you experience, and moves that needle above zero. The key is to simply build bit by bit and constantly move towards your goal
Hi Scott: I enjoyed reading your blog. You made a lot of sense when talking about where to get traffic. I am working on my primary platform now, and will also add paid advertisement on facebook very soon. I like your attitude about growing your business. You and I share the same thoughts about this business. Look forward to hearing more coming from you. Your info was very uplifting.