7 Ways to Accomplish a Turnaround

Have you felt yourself in a sticky place lately “like you have fallen and cannot get up”?

I have just finished a year and one half ordeal that I never thought I would get out of.

These are the principals I used to weather the so called storm.

1 You refuse to accept that this situation will be your permanent reality.

You need to be forward thinker and understand that nothing lasts forever niether good or bad

2 Learn to possess a different spirit.

Use a positive role modle to move in a different direction. For those of us in the Christian faith that

would be following the direction of the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Use those promptings to head forward

in a less crooked direction.

3 Sow a seed of the opposite of where you are.

You might feel all is lost, but most life changing decisions are made in the awful moments. We were facing

a financial wipeout not of our own making.  We put all our energy into a new propsperity in which we

could imagine ourselves in a new place. lean forward to that new future. In my case it was creating an online future.

4 Everyone normalizes the familiar circumstance.

You must create a new expectation, which might include a new skill set. I learned a new skill set online, and

am looking forward to creating new sources of revenue. That means writing, and creating new video content online.

Putting my face in videos is not the easiest thing to do. But the more you do it the more comfortable it can become.

5 Learn the power of stacking

Create victory after victory. Lean in to it. Don’t give up. Work it day after day. Don’t just say I only got so many views

on a particular platform. Be a learner of new skills and to perfect them. Don’t get discouraged because something is hard.

Wish you were better. Stack your your victories whether they be large of small. Become capable of being the person

that can make this happen. Learn the matter, become the matter, and make 1% change each day. Imagine what that can

add up to. If it is working work it.

6 Give praise to the author of your turn around.

Have a happy attitude and praise those that have helped you accomplish this turnaround. I praised my wife for her

constant encouragement and praised God for helping me move in the right direction. Doing the right thing not always

easy but it is fulfilling.

7 Take Responsibility for your actions.

Whether you created the situation or it was caused by others. Say and take reponsibilty for the unpleasant or

catastrophic situation.


2 thoughts on “7 Ways to Accomplish a Turnaround”

  1. Hi Scott,
    I love this blog and the information you bring. To me, your last one: taking responsibility for my actions is something I’ve always tried to bring forward and make sure that I take the time to understand what I did wrong and learn from it.
    All the best!


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