Distracted ….

You know this week is one of the toughest that I can remember. Everything and everyone seems to be in distraction mode when I was desperately

trying to document the different stages in the online space. So here I am on Saturday night looking to catch up with where I left off.

In case you looked, you will note that last week we took some time to learn about different business entitites from which your business can function.


While not interesting to some, certainly a necessity as we grow our businesses.


Please realize that distractions are not the end of the world. We all get beached every once in a while. We just need to make sure we are able to dust ourselves

off, and move forward.


So you are seeing my dusting off phase.


I have now taken a deep breathe now, and look forward next week providing something more substantial than this brief little breather.


While I am dusting off I suggest you check out The Iceberg Effect by Dean Holland.


Counting your blessings …

As we explore into the world of the internet, we all thought it was was going to be easy.


Personally, I have been working in the online space for about 4 years now, and found very little compensation along

the way. There must be something missing. Dean Holland first contacted me about 4 years ago but I refused to listen,

but not sure why. He certainly said the right things, and on a regular basis he would contact me by email.

You see I ordered the Iceberg Effect about about 4 years ago , and promptly put it on the shelf in order to find several other shiney objects that did not pay off. And yet Dean Holland persisted year after year, and continued to pursue me.

I began to ask who is this guy, and why doesn’the just give up.

I kept on my separate jouney with Shiney Objects that I thought were better than the materials that Dean put together. Each of these Shiney Objects eventually passed by the wayside until last April I received an invitation to ClickFunnels headquarters and met none other than Russel Brunson.

But here’s the thing. If you ever get to make the jouney to Eagle Idaho, you will see hundreds of Gold Record for different Masters of Internet Marketing.

Certainly I saw records of all the people you know, and of course the record for, you got it Dean Holland.

So I read the Internet Secrets series of books by Russell and whose name appears in it but Dean Holland. I began to wonder why this guys name shows up in all my internet jouneys.

So I promised myself that the next time I saw Dean Hollands name, I would take it more seriously.

This guy is the consumate professional.

Well come October of this year, I got another one of those emails, and took a listen to what Dean had to say. You can bet that I listened to the video and decided to sign up for a consultation. You know I expected it to be just another internet salesperson wanting to sell me the lastest and greatest device.

You know who called me?

I answered the phone at the appointed time by saying this is Scott, who do you think called me at midnight his time.

Dean Holland.

A long journey is now over as I worked towards my Internet Profit Partners Certification, and eventually settled into the Affiliate System Dean

Holland style.

What a journey it has been! I have learned thing that I never thought were possible, but Dean, Sophie, Glenn and Chris have led the way to a new understanding of the ways of the internet and the process of making money online.

Obviously this blog post is not about training, but it is about persistence. At the right place, at the right time, your teacher will appear once you have the ability to recognize it.

So count your blessing and enjoy the journey. Once you have arrived you will never leave.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

My Roadmap to Affiliate Success

  Oh no Scott you used that word affiliate again, and I do not have clue what the heck you are talking about? Ok , Ok I got you here. So lets start with an official definition, and then I will give you my definition. Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where a business … Read more

What? That did not happen to me

Did you ever happen to have one of those days when nothing seemed to go right? Well today was one of those days. How about You? That just means you are normal like every one else. Some days you just need to trust in the process you have created? The more you trust in the … Read more

To content or not be content?

Why creating content is important Have you ever thought about why creating content is important? It is very simple really, we want our readers to be content with what we write. You see the the word content has a couple of different meanings. The first one is to appreciate where you are, and to be … Read more

What on earth is a widget?

The further you proceed into your world of online adventure you will come

across words and terms that you just do not understand. One of the terms that

confounded me. You got it the word “widget”.

In the accounting profession we thought of widgets as objects to be accounted for.

All the accounting manuals, I have read ever gave a description of precisely what

a widget is and does.

I can tell you in the online world it means something quite different. Let’s say you

choose to build your blog on a platform called WordPress. You will be confronted

immediately with these objects called widgets.

Widgets, as I understand it, are mini-programs or pieces of code which help to perform

tasks on your blog. thank goodness Internet profits help me decipher which one I needed

and which ones I did not.

So let me help give you a starter list. The first widget I used help to migrate information

from my old blog to my new blog. You certainly read in the last blog that I did not exactly

follow the directions given by Dean Holland at Internet Profits. However, I did in fact learn

to ask questions and utilise the help features. Never be afraid to ask questions because

sometimes procesures are given in a manner which does not make sense to you. You might

need for them to be explained in a different fashion.

The 2nd widget or plugin you need for your blog is:

Lead Connector Plugin

It will help you connect to sales funnel to your blog.

Darn another one of those crazy terms “Sales Funnel”

You might ask exactly what is a Sales Funnel?

I am glad you asked!

I will tell you next time as we continue Scott’s Online Internet Adventure.








The Moment of Truth …

Remember that iconic scene in the Indiana Jones movie, when Indy pulls up that Golden Idol just after replacing its weight with a bag of sand. Wait for it… Wait for it… Nothing but that still version of silence when we the audience wait to see what might happen next.   You know that is … Read more

Is your head in the Clouds?

The other day my wife and I were at the Fry’s grocery store here in Phoenix. We needed to pick up some food supplies for the the next week. I barely noticed a broken down car with a desperate family in it. So as usual, I dropped her off at the the front of the … Read more

The Domain Journey continues

Hello all! Confession here. This site is not the first blog I ever tried to create. The first one I ever built is called my Myfinancialfair.com.  Unfortunately I did not understand the basics and the blog failed rather badly at first. So eventually with my winning hit and miss strategy, this site over time gained … Read more